Our adopted rural village is a peaceful place, often untouched by the chaos of the outside world.
(Though I say adopted, my husband is a ‘returner’, having lived here many years
Things here
jog along at a steady pace with often very little to report. So much seems to
be slowed down here – even the rubbish collections are fortnightly and the
buses run one to two hourly, sometimes not turning up at all! Therefore it’s
rare that l have any local news to report, however minor.
But I do
have news – in a very loose sense! Firstly, at the time of the general
election, we also voted in the parish council election, which has resulted in a
few new faces on the parish council. In fact, at the last minute, the campaign
for the election got a bit dirty, with a letter circulated by existing council
members, literally running down the opposition. This was a move that obviously
backfired (not surprisingly) hence their replacement!

our home is tucked discreetly down a narrow lane and our forays into the
village mainly consist of trips to the village shop, the odd drink at the pub,
standing at the bus stop or a wander to the recreation ground, we ourselves have
obviously become news. There are certainly people that we are not yet familiar
with, but who seem to know us. My daughter was quite surprised the other
evening, to get off the bus and be greeted by a stranger saying, “Hello Amy how
was your day at work?”
She arrived
home quite stunned, saying, “But how did she know who I was?”
The village
grapevine is obviously hard at work, but actually shows what a friendly place
this is. I’m glad that our ‘news’ is quite minor – long may it stay a peaceful
place to live!
This really made me smile! It reminds me of the circular we got from our local council wit Frequently Asked Questions about 'dustbin days.' One was 'Will my bins be collected fortnightly in future? Answer: No they will be collected on alternate weeks!