As we
approach our first summer at the ‘glorified shed’, I’m aware of how much the
rural landscape has changed over recent weeks.
immediate view of the river, that runs just metres from my window, has been
somewhat obscured by the leafy growth of bushes and trees along the edge, which
now allow only for mere glimpses of swans, herons and egrets that frequent the
water and opposite bank. In turn, the birdlife has changed, with only the
seldom appearance of the once numerous cormorants and not the slightest glimpse
of a lapwing or redshank in weeks!

And of
course the surrounding fields have changed too, many have been filled with the
vibrant yellow of oilseed rape (although now being replaced with swathes of
green), with its pungent aroma and tendency to trigger my hay fever. Indeed,
we’ve all noticed an increase in sniffles since moving to our rural home, a
slight downside of country living, but one far outweighed by the benefits of
the new lifestyle.
The country
lanes have become harder to negotiate, with hedgerows and trees encroaching
more on the roads, causing motorists to exercise more caution – and that’s not
a bad thing at all!
Once we’ve
experienced our first summer here, we'll have had a taste of all the seasons
in our rural retreat, each of them bringing a different aspect to the landscape
which I’ve loved. The ever-changing wildlife, diversity of colour and altering
moods of the river all keep me interested in our rural surroundings.
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