As I wrote
in my last post, I’ve recently left the confines of the ‘glorified shed’ to
venture on a few small shorts breaks. Both times I’ve been quite happy to
return to my rural haven, but what those breaks did do, was highlight our
present lack of facilities and the strange glamping existence that we currently
The months
we’ve spent here, managing with impromptu accommodation whilst renovating this
former workshop, have just become quite normal to us. It’s not until we go away
that we realise that we’re actually living some alternative existence.
Our recent
Travelodge stay seemed total luxury – I mean bedroom walls, can you believe it?
At the ‘shed’ our bedroom is just an area created by strategically placed
furniture. The internal walls that we do have are mostly bare, but at the
Travelodge they were painted! And oh the bliss of having our own bathroom –
don’t worry we do shower, we just have to pop round to my mother-in-law’s to be
able to do so.

amazing how after some eight months or so of making do, the smallest of things
can seem like treasured luxuries.
Don’t get
me wrong. We’re managing quite nicely in our little ‘work-in-progress’, but
once in a while it is nice to remind ourselves of the niceties of ‘normal’
life. And of course, these reminders spur us on to get things moving here. Of
course daily life has a habit of taking over, slowing down progress. To save
money, we’re only pulling in people to attend to such matters as plumbing and
electrics, for everything else it’s a question of do it as and when we can. But
slowly and surely things are happening, and one day we’ll have the home that we
really want.
In the
meantime there’s always Travelodge!
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