Living, as I do, directly on a riverbank, I’ve become aware of how users of the river don’t always treat it as well as they should. I’m appalled at the amount of old rubbish that gets washed up on the banks and annoyed by people in boats constantly disregarding the speed limit!

One of the
greatest offenders at exceeding the speed limit, I’m sad to say, is the army.
They charge past in their little boats, but for what reason? The river narrows
when it reaches us, becoming more twisted and narrower still just beyond. Not
great for army manoeuvres I would have thought – although, of course, there is
a pub a little further up! Surely if the army want to test their speedy boats,
they would be better heading in the other direction, where the river widens out
into the estuary and on to the sea.

Of course,
many river users do exhibit consideration, and to them I’m very grateful. Those
who don’t take as much care may just be ignorant of the potential damage that
they can cause, and to them I request that they stop and think about the
effects that their actions can have on nature.
And Brian,
if you’re reading this, your input would be appreciated!
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