In our
village we’re fortunate in that we do actually have a bus service, although
it’s frequency varies from hourly to two-hourly and at certain times it doesn’t
run at all. However, as a route it’s quite good, linking two towns that have
shopping centres, calling at a couple of other villages in addition to ours,
along the way.
From time
to time I take the bus to one of the shopping centres about an hour’s ride
away, enjoying the passing countryside en route, although I’m ultimately using
the service to reach my chosen destination. It would seem, however, that
although many of my fellow passengers are using the bus for the same purpose,
there is a steady flow of people who use this bus route purely to enjoy the
I quite
often overhear conversations along the lines of, “I don’t normally get this
bus, but fancied a look at somewhere different,” or, “I like to come on this
bus just to see all these little villages and a bit of the countryside”. I
suppose that’s quite nice to know, even if we’re sometimes crammed on the bus
with our shopping just trying to get home, with many seats taken up purely by
‘sightseers’. But it does feel strange to now be living somewhere that people
want to come and gawp at!

On one
recent journey home, as we reached the edge of my village, I heard a woman
proclaim, “Oh, look, we’re at that funny little place with the really narrow
street!” “Yes,” I thought, “That’s my home! It’s quite nice really.” Although I
actually live down the bottom of an even narrower lane off said little, narrow
street, which obviously represents a novelty factor for some! It’s always odd
when you hear the place that you live being described by an ‘outsider’ – it
makes you view it from a different perspective yourself!
For my part,
I’ve become increasingly aware of the homes that I see in the neighbouring
villages, as in some cases the bus passes ridiculously close to their front
doors. During recent trips, when all the Christmas lights have been blazing, I
couldn’t help looking in at some of the rooms, which looked very welcoming
indeed. I felt quite envious of their cosy warmth and orderly designs, knowing
that I was on my way back to the ‘glorified shed’, where there is a bit of a
draught and much work to be done before we can enjoy the same level of interior
décor. Still, these homes act as a reminder of what we’re aiming for – rustic
charm, but with a splash of our own personalities included.
I do quite
enjoy my bus ride, and despite some of the more odd comments that I hear on the
course of my journey, quite like the fact that others seem to make the trip
just for fun!