From the
moment that I arrived at my new riverside home, I was very aware of the huge
amount of birdlife that surrounded me.
With our
home offering such an expansive view over the river and surrounding
countryside, there is certainly a wealth of wildlife to watch. Various gulls
ride up and down the river on the tides and circle noisily overhead; swans
glide gracefully past, sometimes pausing to rest on the opposite bank;
cormorants sit drying their wings on the mudbanks; a lone heron can often been
seen on sentry duty at the water’s edge, and was for a time, joined by a couple
of egrets.
When all
this is playing out right in front of your nose, it’s hard not to develop at
least a passing interest in nature. I did wonder whether the novelty of
watching the birds would soon wear off, but I’ve become keener than ever, to
the extent (and surprise of my husband) that my Christmas list for this year
includes a new pair of binoculars!

I’ve now
progressed to a couple of slightly weightier bird-identification tomes, but
remain quite childlike in my excitement when I see something that’s a little
unusual. I’m now eagerly trying to identify birdsong, something that’s
currently proving a slightly frustrating experience, but hopefully I’ll learn.
compulsive twitcher I am not, but I do enjoy spending some happy interludes
enjoying the constant comings and goings of the birds around my new home.
Someone once said to me that he thinks the world is a better place just for having birds in it. enjoy your twitching.